Where to find me
Upcoming conferences:
Geometry in Groups, Bengaluru, India
Group actions and representations together with Random Matrix Theory, Warsaw, Poland
Model Theory Meets Geometric Group Theory, Münster, Germany
Geometric Structures in Group Theory, MFO, Oberwolfach, Germany
Conferences attended:
Advances in Hierarchical Hyperbolicity, BIRS, Banff, Canada
Groups, Topology, and Applications V, Bilbao, Spain
Young Geometric Group Theory XII, Bristol, UK (organiser)
GRAZP: Groups and Rigidity Around the Zimmer Program, Ventotene, Italy
Women in Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics, Ashton, Idaho, USA
Cube Complexes and Combinatorial Geometry, CRM, Montreal, Canada
Groups Around 3-Manifolds, CRM, Montreal, Canada
CMS Summer Meeting, Ottawa, Canada
Geometry of Subgroups, CRM, Montreal, Canada
Groups of Dynamical Origins, Automata and Spectra, Les Diablerets, Switzerland
Young Geometric Group Theory XI, Münster, Germany
LMS South West & South Wales Regional Meeting and Workshop, Southampton, UK
Concentration Week on Metric Geometry, College Station, USA
Metric Geometry and Geometric Analysis, Oxford, UK
Hyperbolic Groups and Their Generalisations, IHP, Paris, France
Self-similarity of Groups, Trees, and Fractals, IHP, Paris, France
Geometric Group Theory and Low Dimensional Topology, Madrid, Spain
Mapping Class Groups and Out(F_n), IHP, Paris, France
Groups Acting on Fractals, CIRM, Marseille, France
Young Geometric Group Theory IX, Saint-Jacut-de-la-Mer, France
Interactions between Geometry, Dynamics and Group Theory, Bristol, UK
Oberwolfach Seminar: Growth in Finite and Infinite Groups, MFO, Oberwolfach, Germany
Beyond Spectral Gaps, Oxford, UK
Geometry and Analysis: celebrating the mathematics of Pierre Pansu, Oxford, UK
Of coarse! Quasi-Isometries and Groups: Rigidity and Classification, Ventotene, Italy
Aspects of Geometric Group Theory, IHES, Paris, France
Young Geometric Group Theory VIII, Bilbao, Spain
Current Trends in Mathematics, Zurich, Switzerland