Seminar and conference talks given:
14/03/24: Algebra Seminar, University of Birmingham
13/02/24: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
20/11/23: Bristol Junior Geometry Seminar (BRIJGES), University of Bristol
27/06/23: Cube Complexes and Combinatorial Geometry, Université de Montréal
04/06/23: Geometric Topology, Pseudo-Anosov Maps, and Complex Dynamics Session, CMS Summer Meeting, University of Ottawa
09/05/23: Geometry Seminar, King's College London
02/12/22: Groups and Geometry in the South East, University of Southampton
01/12/22: North British Geometric Group Theory Seminar, University of Manchester
27/07/22: Concentration Week in Metric Geometry, Texas A&M
19/07/22: Metric Geometry and Geometric Analysis, University of Oxford
27/06/22: Tea Seminar, University of Münster
22/06/22: Hyperbolic Groups and Their Generalisations, Institut Henri Poincaré
23/05/22: Topology Seminar, University of Oxford
11/05/22: Junior Topology and Group Theory Seminar, University of Oxford
10/01/22: Group Theory Seminar, UCLouvain
25/06/21: Junior Geometry Seminar, Imperial College London (slides)
04/06/21: Geometric Group Theory Seminar, University of Cambridge (slides)
18/05/21: Geometry and Topology Seminar, University of Bristol
30/04/21: Geometric Topology Seminar, Columbia University
15/04/21: Geometric Group Theory Seminar, University of Münster
10/03/21: Topology Seminar, University of California, Riverside
19/11/20: Geometry Graduate Colloquium, ETH Zürich
15/07/20: Pure PGR Seminar, University of Southampton (slides)
20/05/20: Junior Topology and Group Theory Seminar, University of Oxford
17/02/20: Dynamics and Group Geometry Early Researchers Seminar, University of Warwick
16/10/19: Junior Topology and Group Theory Seminar, University of Oxford
18/06/19: Bristol Junior Geometry Seminar (BRIJGES), University of Bristol
Outreach talks given:
08/03/22: "The two nail problem", Mathematics and Computer Science Seminar, St John's College, Oxford (slides, aimed at 1st and 2nd year undergrads)